The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Yasmo die Klangkantine | Live@RKH & TV-Aufzeichnung

Be on TV at a live jazzy poppy performance

Yasmo & die Klangkantine | Live@RKH & TV-Aufzeichnung

When: FRI, October 6, 8pm–11:30pm Where: ORF RadioKulturhaus Entry: 19€ (get ’em here) Ever wanted to be in a live TV audience? It could be a nice little souvenir/claim to fame to say you’ve been on Austrian TV, no? Well this Friday, ORF are filming a live performance of Austrian the rapper/ singer-songwriter, Yasmo, with her jazz band, the Klangkantine. They’ll be bringing the nice tunes to back up her savagely good lyrics. And you can text your mum and tell her you might be on the tele–box – what more could you want from an evening?! [fve][/fve] Recommended if you like: the chance to be in the spot light, making mama proud, being in television audiences, Austrian rappers, supporting local talent, live jazz, spitting some sick rhymes in the shower, jazzy rap, being down with the trumpets




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