The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Yoga Wandertag – Hike & Flow

Connect and practice with other yogis at this yoga hike in the Wienerwald

Yoga Wandertag – Hike & Flow

When: SAT, August 8, 2pm–7pm Where: Neuwaldegg, check event for details Entry: 15€ (10€ each if you bring a friend), register via At this yoga hike, host and avid Yogi, Ines, will guide you through the beautiful Wienerwald to a little meadow where you can finally get your Vinyasa on. We think it’s a great idea to dedicate a day to yourself once in a while. After this, you’ll be practically flying into the next work week. Recommended if you like:  getting your Vinyasa on, practicing yoga in nature, not being afraid of ticks, clearing your mind, getting out of the city, socialising with like-minded people, upping your vitamin D levels [totop] [tocat]]]>

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