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Your 80s Italo Workout at fluc w/ Stoff & The Wild Boy

Is this a Bunga Bunga party? Straight out of the 80ies…

Your 80s Italo Workout at fluc w/ Stoff & The Wild Boy

When: FRI, August 4, 10pm–5am Where: fluc + fluc wanne Entry: free! The Wild boy is an 80s-only DJ, however this special Friday night him and his buddy STOFF are teaming up to bring you not only the best hits of the 80s with a distinctly Italian bunga bunga vibe, but also a work out, probably the kind of work out that gets you looking as good as Silvio Berlusconi in speedos languishing on yacht on the Amalfi. Don’t ever say we aren’t looking out for your beach bods’. Recommended if you like: Silvio Burlesconi’s Bod’, bunga bunga parties, mr motivator style workouts, lycra, 80s disco, big hair, Italian 80s disco, languishing in a pair of speedos on a yacht on the Amalfi coast, the mafia, Italian stallions with chest hair so thick the sun cream can’t get threw no matter how hard you rub




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