The shiny retro beetle-like caravan parked outside the hipster hotel, 25Hours Hotel, is serving up a mean, no-fuss burger in a summer lovin’ setting. The 6 breeds of burgers come in two sizes – single and two-storey – and which ever you choose depending on your hunger, do note that they’re not the kind of burgers you have to dislocate your jaw to take a bite.
Their Jalapeno Burger has a mild zing, the Bourbon BBQ Burger harbours a sensational secret sauce and the pulled pork pulls a punch.
The buns (and we’re not talking about the butt of the cute waiter) and other ingredients are fresh, as you would expect from a boutique burger. And instead of a vegetarian burger trying to be like its popular meat brother, the veggie alternative here is put together with a dream combo of grilled portobello mushrooms, capsicum and haloumi, along with a sun-dried tomato aioli.
The sides are nothing to write home about, but the fries are moreish. But don’t bother with the Italienische Pommes no matter how good they sound – the sad sprinkle of parmesan and rosemary adds nothing to the experience.
As this is a street food truck set up outside, Burger de Ville only really works throughout the warmer months.