This centrally-located Ukrainian restaurant has a special intimate atmosphere to it; the kind that makes you feel as if you are part of the family. It’s obvious the owner, Elvira, and her staff are proud of the food they serve up, and so they should be.
We’re told all of the dishes are prepared in the traditional Ukrainian way and everything on the menu is homemade.
We couldn’t get enough of the typical Ukrainian dumplings,Vareniki. We’d love to be able to tell you our favourite, but after eating our way through all of the different Varenikis on the menu, we just can’t choose – they are all super delicious.
We also highly recommend the beetroot soup, Borschtsch – and we are saying this as former – now converted – beetroot-sceptics.
A look at the menu will have you realise how little you know of Ukraine’s glorious cuisine – we haven’t heard of 95% of the dishes on it, which makes us want to try them all even more. It’s strictly tradition here in a very pleasant-looking setting.