Please note the following
+ While these are the official opening times of the market, each stand has their own independent opening hours which may vary.
+ The farmers market on Friday and Saturday are typically closed by midday.
+ Cafés and restaurants typically have longer opening hours.
Come to this market for:
+ The bustling farmer’s market happening every Friday and Saturday morning
+ The atmosphere and breakfast on a Saturday morning – it’s worth fighting for a seat.
+ A butcher specialising in horse meat … hmmm
+ A flirt with a half-arm tattooed, intentionally messed up hair styled, politically and environmentally savvy individual at the Kaffeestation or Zimmer 37 cafe
+ Lunch at the little sister of the Naschmarkt cafe, TEWA – top quality food
While it’s one of the oldest markets in Vienna, it has one of the youngest faces. In recent years, it has slowly gentrified and been colonised by numerous sweet little cafes, and a coffee-sipping, mixed crowd – from young families, half-arm tattooed millennial lost children, to those who fit the mould of the typical organic farmer’s market visitor.
On Saturday mornings, while seats are scarce at the cafes, as this crowd lounges in the sun and feasts on delicious breakfast menus, one of the city’s most popular farmers markets sees a conga line of conscious consumers bantering over, and buying organic produce from farmers that come in from the nearby regions. But be warned – your apples and oranges etc. aren’t cheap, as the quality tends to match the price.
Our favourite features about this market
+ The permanent stand ‘Kaas am Markt’ solely selling groceries from Austrian farmers and producers.
+ Zimmer 37 cafe
We also recommend… if you can’t find a seat for breakfast, head on down to the cool nearby café, Katscheli.