Possibly one of the most multicultural and organically grown parts of Vienna – even though it’s becoming flooded with phone shops and internet cafés – it still pays off to make a little shopping trip over to the bizarro world of Thaliastraße (And no, we’re not talking about for weed).
For one, you can pretend you’re getting married and moon at the outrageous dresses displayed in the eccentric fabric stores on Thaliastraße – tacky but glorious. If you’re into arts & crafts, take your chances haggling for all kinds of lace and fabric (that is, if you’re not too intimidated by the swarms of little old ladies sporting colourful headscarves).
U6 Thaliastraße also marks the start of the infamous Gürtel and Stadtbahnbögen stretch of bars, where plenty of Vienna’s nightlife is happening. It’s one of the places you can always count on being busy, even most weeknights. Auslage and The Loft are two of the clubs where something is always cracking.
If you’re looking for more inspired cultural pursuits, take a detour to the parallel street Grundsteingasse, where Kunsttankstelle Ottakring offers exhibits from up-and-coming artists and bands a space to get started. Small concerts and/or exhibitions are always happening here. Along Grundsteingasse, more small galleries can be found that are sometimes hosting opening nights complete with booze and a creative-looking crowd to mingle with.
Then there’s the cheapest (and some of the best) dirty Döner Kebabs that can be picked up along this street.