The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

20 pretty pictures of Otto Wagner’s greatest hits in Vienna

Mr Otto Wagner is the birthday boy being celebrated this year big time in Vienna. He’s been labeled a visionary, one of the most significant architects at the turn of the twentieth century, and a fellow that sported such an impressive moustache it looked like a rich person’s garden – whatever you want to call old Otty, he was behind a hell of a lot of buildings in Vienna, and damn was he varied and creative in his styles.

Check out the most notable in pretty pictures below:

Kirche am Steinhof, 1140


Auenbruggergasse, 1030


Bellariastraße 4, 1010


Garnisongasse, 1090


Linke Wienzeile 38, 1060


“Majolikahaus”, Linke Wienzeile 40, 1060


Neustiftgasse 40, 1070


Schönburggasse, 1040


Villa Wagner, 1140


Ernst Fuchs Museum, 1140


Otto Wagner Pavillon, Karlsplatz


Postsparkasse, Georg-Coch-Platz 2, 1010


Rathausstraße 3, 1010


Rennweg 3, 1030


Schottenring 23, 1010


Stadiongasse 6, 1010


Nussdorfer Wehr- und Schleusenanlage, 1190


Nussdorfer Wehr- und Schleusenanlage, 1190


Nussdorfer Wehr- und Schleusenanlage, 1190


Nussdorfer Wehr- und Schleusenanlage, 1190

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