The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Sixteen warm photographs of Vienna’s rare red brick buildings

Red brick buildings are a rare breed in Vienna and this makes them really stand out from the rest. Plus, with red being the colour of fire, rouge, the best tasting gummi bear, a blush, and red dresses, there’s something about the red bricks that inspires a warm feeling deep down inside. Don’t you think? Anyway, we’ve hit the streets to find them and put them into a photo story below.

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 1010

Nordbahnhalle, 1020

Marx Halle / former Zentralviehmarkt Sankt Marx (Vienna’s biggest cattle market), 1030

Kolonitz church & school, 1030

Arsenal / Heeresgeschichtliches Museum Wien (Museum of Military History), 1030

Museumsquartier, 1070

Rossauer Kaserne, 1090

WUK, 1090

Institut der Medizinischen Chemie, 1090

Ankerbrot Fabrik, 1100

Gasometer, 1110

Maria vom Siege church, 1150

Brandauer Bierbögen, 1190

METAstadt, 1220

Kunstfabrik Wien, 1220

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