The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Viennese childhood drinks for sunny days

Here are 9 of them in quirky pop photography (because we can), and also a few fizzy drinks you get when you grow up.



Right down to the Almdudler Pärchen (couple) wearing some kind of odd Austrian version of a sombrero, this drink is super sweet. It’s a one of a kind herbal lemonade, and is iconically Austrian and inspires yodeling from all those that drink it. Ok, that might not be true, but we have heard rumours that there’s anime porn floating around the world wide web featuring the Almdudler Pärchen. Ok, that may also be a lie.



This is one fizzy pop drink that usually comes in lemon or strawberry flavour, and sends bubbles shooting up your nose. It’s one big party in your mouth.


Hohes C

This is what our Omas used to give us, believing it would give us all the vitamins we needed to become big and strong. And guess what, we did. 


Apfelsaft gespritzt

Apple juice with fizzy water – gloriously simple. In Austria they say, an Apfelsaft gespritzt a day keeps the doctors away. This is why you’ll see plenty of fully-grown people in cafes and restaurants around the city also sipping on one of these bad boys.



Austrians grew up on this drink hailing from ze Deutschland. A fizzy, exotic-tasting orange juice lemonade that makes us want to wear a fruit hat and shake our booty. When in need of a sugar rush, shoot one of these back and you’ll be climbing up the walls of Vienna’s tallest building.


Dreh & Trink

A true classic novelty drink this is. This little sugary juice was used by parents with the aim to get their kids super high on sugar, and have them come down hard shortly after, falling straight into a nap. This drink, in its playful packaging, comes in 9 different flavours, such as apple, coke and strawberry. Just twist the little plastic lid off and chug.


Soda Himbeer

Fizzy as we like it, the cult drink is a mix of bubbles, raspberry and often for a twist, a slice of lemon is thrown in. Best enjoyed with a plate of Kaiserschmarrn to ensure maximum sugar rush.


Capri Sun

This is branding at its finest. A sweet drink that tastes like you’re playing part in a orgy of Hawaiian fruit and sugar. But we doubt there’s a ounce of fruit in it. The orange straw that comes with it has so much sex appeal, it’s hard to not crave the sweet sugar rush when the sun is shining down on you.


Pago juice

These little guys are just so cute. Pago apricot is a classic – we’re not sure if others flavours even exist? And to mess with the waiters in Vienna, try ordering a Gurken-Pago (cucumber Pago) and wait for the raised eyebrows.


A few fizzy drinks you have when you grow up

Spritzer or Kaiserspritzer

This is pretty much what we’re most excited about when the sun comes out again. It just tastes like sunshine. White wine (no matter the quality) mixed with bubbly soda water, and a slice of lemon. Foreigners think Austrians are made for mixing water with wine, but they have no idea what they’re missing out on.



This is where childhood meets adulthood. A mix of beer and lemonade (or Almdudler) – it’s pretty much the best of both worlds.

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