Life is all about appreciating the small things for us, so we’ve made a list of the tiny beautiful things we love about Vienna; you know, the kind of details that are unique to the city that we take for granted on a daily basis. Here are our favourite 23 tiny beautiful things about Vienna – what’s yours?
1. That you still get a glass of water with your coffee in cafes
2. The beautiful apartment building foyer floors
3. The sweet dispensers on the streets
4. The spying neighbours
5. The huggable older people with so much style
6. The signs on the trams suggesting you give up your seat for the elderly, pregnant ladies, mother’s with kids and the blind
7. The old-school scales on the streets
8. The pattern in a Semmel
9. That you still get sugar cubes with your coffee in some coffeehouses
10. The traffic lights spreading universal love
11. How people pick up and put the things that somebody has dropped on the street up in a place where they can be seen in case somebody comes back looking for it
12. How you’ll often hear loud classical music coming from apartment windows, or from cars with their windows down
13. How we drink our wine out of the unpretentious Heurigen glasses instead of fancy wine glasses
14. The old antique iron boot scrapers you can still find at the door of some apartment buildings
15. The warm feeling on your butt when you score the seat on the old trams with the heater underneath it
16. The cobblestone streets that transport us back in time
17. That nature is so close by to escape into
18. The multicultural experiences that can be had in some of its districts
19. The bus, bim and U-Bahn drivers always greet each other like they’re best friends since middle school
20. The beautiful rainbow zebra crossings symbolising support for the LGBTQ+ community
21. Those old vintage advertising columns that remind you of the olden days
22. How the old Bims transport you back in time and give the city that real vintage feel
23. The cheeky quotes on the garbage bins that show the Viennese Grant on another level