The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Vienna Würstelstand’s greatest hits: 10 of your most favourite articles over the last year

10 Austrian retro candy favourites: in strangely beautiful photography

We had you discover, or remember, these 10 old-fashioned candies invented in Austria, in oddly beautiful photos. And you love the little suckers!


10 (+2) of our favourite things about Favoriten. Yes, we’re talking the 10th district

The 10th district – the hood, the ‘burbs. Mention it to anybody living in this city, and certain images pop up into their mind – hundreds of hole-in-the-wall mobile phone repair stores, Turkish bakeries, light muddy brown or pastel satellite city-like buildings, the mix of languages living within this vast district’s boundaries being thrown from apartment windows.  We explored and wrote a guide for this often misunderstood district, and you loved what you discovered.


Vienna’s forgotten Coffeehouses: 10 of the best, lesser known coffeehouses where the locals go

Viennese coffeehouses pay no attention to time, or the world outside. And their bohemian, romantic charm only grows as they get older – the wooden floorboards, the feeling like you’re sitting next to a poet or an artist, newspapers on wooden holders, hat racks, marble table tops and Thonet chairs. Incredibly, all these years on, coffeehouses are still a refuge for all kinds of people in the city, everybody having their neighbourhood favourite.
We composed a list of 10 of Vienna’s best, yet lesser known coffeehouses where the locals drink their Melange (a Viennese version of the cappuccino).
You won’t find most of them in your typical tourism guide, which rarely go past the coffeehouse celebrities like Café Central and Café Hawelka, so we like to call these Vienna’s forgotten coffeehouses.


12 useful emojis for when you live in Vienna

Who needs words when you have tiny little characters! We know Vienna is like no other place on earth, and as the Wienerisch dialect indicates, people living in Vienna have their own way of expressing themselves for the very unique day to day life which sometimes defies words.
So we made 12 useful emojis for people living in Vienna. This became our most viral article, to date.


“Vienna, you stink!” 13 TripAdvisor reviews that think Vienna sucks!

Stephansdom? What a boring church! Vienna’s old historical city centre? What a big, dirty ashtray! Some people are really hard to please, and as Ms Taylor Swift wisely remarks, ‘haters gonna hate.’
In this article, we brought to you 12 TripAdvisor reviews that think Vienna sucks. Ouch …


The 7 best places for Pho in Vienna

Ok, all you Pho soup fangirls and fanboys, this one was for you. We rounded up the spots in the city where to get the best of Vietnam’s proud national dish, the Pho soup, in Vienna. For those of you not familiar with the fad of Pho, this beef/chicken noodle soup, infused with basil, cloves and ginger, accompanied by extra bean sprouts, a spicy sauce, Hoisin (sweet and salty sauce), coriander and a wedge of lemon, make for a terrifically satisfying welter of flavours. And on our slurping soup journey we discovered that it’s not only the noodles that are entangled in this culinary Vietnamese delight, but also the owners, who are basically all either related to each other or acquainted, in friendship or competition, on who best brings the flavours of home to Vienna.
In this article, we revealed 7 of our favourite places for Pho in Vienna.


8 of the best Schnitzels in Vienna

From the monster Schnitzels bigger than your plate that require several shots of Schnapps afterwards to beat down in your stomach, from places with endless varieties of the deep-fried, flat meat dish –
We put on 10kg to bring you a list of Vienna’s crunchiest, tastiest and best Schnitzels.
This obvious and inevitable article on Vienna’s famed dish went wild, and is still shared far and wide.


12 of the best cafes for study & work in Vienna

Judging by the very positive reaction to this article, it became clear that it’s important to many of you to have those cafes to escape to where you can work and study amidst the buzz for hours on end.
And what makes a ideal study/work cafe? Comfortable seating attached to big tables, quick wifi, waiting staff that will leave you alone for hours, good coffee, a bright and inspiring atmosphere, and, on occasion, power sockets to charge your laptop.
We rounded up a list of 12 inspiring and comfortable cafes for work or study in Vienna.


11 photos of beautiful floors behind Viennese doors

So here’s the thing, our writer, Carla, has a thing with floors. And it seems you all do too. Quite often in Vienna, hiding within the apartment and government buildings, many glorious patterned tiled floors can be found. And I always seem to have the shoes to match.  Check out these 11 photos of Vienna’s beautiful floors to be found behind closed doors, with my selfeets (get it?!) included. Do you recognise any of them?


Vienna’s 10 cheekiest and best spots for a quickie in public – the indoor edition

The wild popularity of this little number just proves how kinky you are, Vienna. This article brought to you inspiration for naughty sexcapades in the most unexpected (and some of the fanciest and most respectable) places around the city.
In the name of our infamous Lebensqualität – while baring a naughty, cheeky grin to the sweet (and oh, so mistaken) innocent image of this fine city – we compiled a list for you of 10 places for a quickie in public (indoors) around the city.

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