The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Our 12 favourite wacky news headlines from last year

Here’s a little roundup of the best wacky news stories from 2021:


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While we were admittedly in a state of emergency at the start of last year, which had people fighting over toilet paper once again, going grocery shopping with an actual samurai sword still seems a tad excessive.


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Teenagers scheduling meetups via TikTok with the sole reason of beating each other up was a thing apparently – like what?!?


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Can anyone remember that one time in March when there was a mysterious stench blowing throw the streets, which had the whole city confused as to what it was or where it came from? Because we actually can’t. But hey, if it’s in the news – it’s gotta be true, right?


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Usually, public transport in Vienna runs pretty much perfectly on time. Unless a very relaxed swan decides to waddle over the tracks. Then the U-Bahn and all passengers simply have to wait a little longer.


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After months of lockdown, the time had finally come where bars and restaurants could reopen. And not just that, certain types of nightclubs were also allowed to welcome their customers again. Which apparently was worth a whole news story.


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When you have to close your pub because of lockdown and no money comes into the register, some people find other creative uses for it instead. Like storing drugs in there for example.


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Oh yeah, that poor man who got bitten by a snake while doing his business. This incident even made worldwide news. Who would’ve thought that this was only the first of several similar findings over the course of summer that had us double-checking our toilets?


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We know, this sounds like a headline from a Florida newspaper, but it actually happened in Vorarlberg. A naked man went berserk in a gas station throwing around packs of chips and beverage cans. Crazy stuff!


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Online dating for humans has been a thing for quite a while now. But for animals? Apparently, this works too. At least in the case of the zoo Salzburg, where a new partner for their male gibbon was found over the internet. And the two actually hit it off pretty well! If only our Tinder dates would always run this smoothly…


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In an effort to make vaccinations as accessible to people as possible, we’ve seen Impfstraßen being set up at some rather unorthodox places. Trams, buses, boats, Billa branches or even the Stephansdom. But the peak was reached when a Viennese brothel announced that it would start providing vaccinations (including a voucher for anyone taking up the offer).


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The anti-corona demos have always been a melting pot of craziness. But in November this was put to the max when protesters actually warned against city workers hidden under manholes who’d jab vaccines in people’s ankles and vaccination showers sprayed out of helicopters from above. 🤦🤦🤦


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Probably the strangest theft of the year (or maybe ever) happened in Styria when an unknown man broke into a stable to cut off a goat’s beard. Besides the unwanted hair loss, goat Sissi luckily remained unharmed though.

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