The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

BOKU Bauern Markt #12 Erntedankfest

Get your fresh veggies at this’ students farmers market 

BOKU Bauern Markt #12 Erntedankfest

When: TUE, October 8, 1pm–8am­
Where: BOKU
Entry: free

It’s time to fill your fridge, cabinets, and kitchen with fresh seasonal fruits and veggies this Tuesday at the Boku farmers market. This market is created and hosted by students from the Boku for the 12th time this Tuesday. They’ll be selling fresh and healthy veggies, eggs, fish, honey and also some (very) naughty stuff like cheese, beer and wine, and much more.

Recommended if you like: farmers markets, buying veggies from the market, zero waste, going shopping with hundreds of glass containers, greens, live music, wine and cheese

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