For all of our theater lovers we have a very special tip up our sleeve! The Nature Theater of Oklahoma (imagine us saying this with a very, very thick Southern accent and wiggling eyebrows) is bringing their contemporary piece Burt Turrido. An Opera to Vienna!
Loosely based on The Flying Dutchman by Richard Wagner, the opera has many influences from country and western music. So catch the play at Theater Akzent to get your inner cowgirl/boy/person burst with joy.
Fri. 27th Aug, Sun. 29th Aug, Mon. 30th Aug
7pm — 11pm
15€ / 20€ / 25€ / 35 €, Check website!
Recommended if you like:
wearing a cowboy hat, doing some line dancing to opera tunes, cringing a little but enjoying it nevertheless, thrusting your hips to some vibrato soprano action