The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Claim the Waves – Feministische Radiotage – Feminist Radiodays

Have a go at hearing with your ears and listening with your mind

Claim the Waves – Feministische Radiotage – Feminist Radiodays

When: THU–SAT, July 9–11, from 3pm
Where: your apartment
Entry: free!

The idea of a radio festival for women, lesbians, inter-, non-binary-, and trans* -persons (FLI*NT) and girls is probably new to you. For the second year, ‘Claim the Waves’ will be addressing all kinds of topics relating to the theme of the feminist festival through webinars and open air events for 48h. Turn your station to Radio Orange 94.0 and start listening. And if you’re eager to contribute as a speaker, find out more on their website!

Recommended if you like: getting all your As to all your Qs, feminism and equality, female empowerment, inspirational events, meeting great people, talks and discussions, learning something new, being part of the movement trying to drag the world into the 21st century and into the future, fostering female entrepreneurship

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