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Dead Sea Diaries | Shifted (Avian, UK)

Catch Dead Sea Diaries at Grelle Forelle this Friday

Dead Sea Diaries | Shifted (Avian, UK)

When: FRI, March 15, 11pm–6am
Where: Grelle Forelle
Entry: 10€ before 12am, 15€ after

There isn’t a weak link in the line-up of DJs at Grelle Forelle this Friday. Dead Sea Diaries and many supporting DJs will have you making fun of all your friends who went to a different club. You’ll definitely have made the right choice. Check out the line-up, here. Check out the music, here:

Recommended if you like: sick Techno music (sick in the good way), when they pump that cool air through the club, drinks as dark as the lights in the room, Dead Sea Diaries, DJs with underground followings, Grelle Forelle

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