The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Filmfestival – Time is Love – Screening #12

Piece your heart back together after this short film festival

Filmfestival – Time is Love – Screening #12

When: September 17–19, 8pm–10pm Where: WE OPEN SPACE VIENNA Entry: TBA You didn’t request one, but here’s our prescription for getting over a broken heart: Loads of snacks and a film festival that explores the universal feelings of a shattered heart, specifically to be watched in the screening rooms at We Open Space Vienna. Ok, so we’re not really doctors, or experts on heartbreak, but the long list of artists and talents that will be showing their connection to the subject matter may just be experts on it. Give them a chance, and join in on the fun! For more information on the film screenings, check their website! Recommended if you like: classic films, dreaming of exotic places and then traveling to them, new perspectives, adventure, stories from afar, independent movies, stuffing yourself with food while blasting Celinè Dion’s “All by myself” [totop] [tocat]]]>

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