The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Frauen an der Filmakademie Wien – Archivscreening und Gespräch

Watch these archived films and discuss with the film makers

Frauen an der Filmakademie Wien – Archivscreening und Gespräch

When: THU, March 14, 7:30pm–10pm
Where: Stadtkino Wien
Entry: free! Reserve your spot, here

Stadtkino will be screening 4 archived short films from the Filmakademie Wien. The discussion will be on the topic, “Women at the Vienna Film Akademie” and the evening will display women’s work in film from the 90s. We’ll be there with our fanny packs on because all of that sounds way better than any film experience we had in the 90s.

Recommended if you like: Vienna Film Akademie, short film, film created by women, film created in the 90s, wearing overalls every day for a decade, chewing gum in a very intense way, live discussions with film makers, Stadtkino Wien

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