The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Jettitant Live Storytelling – Infantile Geschichten

A storytelling evening about love and other lovely things

Jettitant Live Storytelling – Infantile Geschichten

When: SUN, March 24, 8pm–10pm
Where: 7stern
Entry: 5€

Jettitant storytellers will tell stories (what a surprise!) from their lives. This Sunday, at 7stern cafe they’ll be holding their fourth live storytelling evening. The motto of the evening will be “Infantile Geschichten!”, so you can expect to hear some fun, weird, and surprising tales. The evening’s entrance fees will be donated to Habibi refugee projects. So if you do show up, it’ll be a win-win situation – you’ll have fun while helping others out.

Recommended if you like: being socially active, loling, wordsmiths, listening to the radio because you love the presenter’s voice, podcasts, intimate events

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