Soothe your heart and head after a hard week with this intimate solo show
Micah P. Hinson (US, Solo-Show)
When: FRI, January 18, 8pm–11pm
Where: Chelsea
Entry: 15€, get your tickets, here
Micah P. Hinson has come all the way from Texas to play his style of American music – a range of genres including Folk, Country, Rockabilly, orchestral music and ballads. Sometimes when we go to these kinds of intimate gigs we end up singing and then sobbing really loudly and embarrassing our friends. They don’t invite us anymore. Check out the music, here:
Recommended if you like: listening to music in intimate locations that are so intimate you’re wearing other people’s sweat, dreamy and emotional music, singer/songwriters, American music, unique vocals, closing your eyes while dancing like a drugged up hippy
Fri. 18th Jan