Literature festival readings at the MQ
O-Töne Lesungen mit Doron Rabinovici und Ingrid Kaltenegger
When: THUR, August 17, 8pm–10pm
Where: MQ
Entry: Free
There will be a pairing of a debutant with a veteran this Thursday in the MQ courtyard as the city’s literature festival continues. This week’s reading sees a debutant and an old horse premiere their latest novels. This week sees the debut of Ingrid Kaltenegger, whose novel is made of the finest dark humour and malice. Find more info. here.
Recommended if you like: books, books and more books, book readings, something completely different, being cultured as fuck, having something to talk about apart from work on Friday, ´reading on the metro or tram
Thu. 17th Aug
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