It’s time to take the dinner table to the park! Grab yourself a picnic basket (or one of the 1000s of tote bags you’ve got hanging around), lay out a blanket, lie back and spot the shapes in the clouds – ’that one’s a donkey, that one’s a mother relentlessly pushing her child towards academic achievement.’
Vienna has a range of pleasant parks where to watch a sunset, have a picnic, a drink, or fly a kite. Check out our list of our 8 favourite parks to picnic in Vienna.
Wed. 01st Jun — Thu. 30th Jun
Recommended if you like:
bare feet in the grass, licking your lips really loud before a meal to annoy others, throwing a frisbee, doing the slackfline thing, letting ants crawl over you while you’re passed out in the grass
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VinziRast-Christbaumverkauf 2024
VinziRast-mittendrin, Lackierergasse 10, 1090 Vienna
Sun. 08th Dec — Sun. 22nd Dec
Tue. 10th Dec
Wed. 11th Dec — Sun. 11th May