View the paintings of a tortured genius at this very special exhibition
Richard Gerstl
When: September 27–January 20
Where: Leopold Museum
Entry: 10€ student/reductions or 14€ full price, buy a ticket
Before Egon Schiele and Oskar Kokoschka, the Austrian expressionism scene’s poster boy was Richard Gerstl. As with many great artists, he had a difficult life. He did badly at school, was told by his professor, “the way you paint, I piss in the snow!.” He had an affair with composer Arnold Schoenberg’s wife, who soon went back to her husband, leading Richard to set fire to some of his work and commit suicide at the age of 25. And his work only became critically acclaimed after his death. Luckily for us, many of his paintings survived the fire and will be on display at this comprehensive presentation of his work.
Picture © Leopold Museum, Wien
Recommended if you like: tortured artists, Austrian expressionism, paintings, practising your pensive face in front of the mirror, getting inspired by art, being reminded that art is subjective and yours may still be a work of genius even if others say it’s not.
Fri. 27th Sep — Mon. 20th Jan