The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Explore the beautiful @ Sagmeister & Walsh: Beauty – Opening Night

Getting your dose of contemporary beauty expressed through design

Explore the beautiful @ Sagmeister & Walsh: Beauty – Opening Night

When: TUE, October 23rd is opening night while the exhibition is on until March 2019
Where: MAK
Entry: find the details, here.

This is an exhibition dedicated to beauty. Stefan Sagmeister and Jessica Walsh collaborate on this complex design exhibition to find the deeper meaning of beauty, analyse our relationship with it and prove that beauty is not only ornamental, but beautifully designed objects automatically improve their purpose and functionality. Take this journey through product design, graphic design, architecture and urban planning in the presence of the curating artists on opening night, or avoid the crowds and enjoy the beauty of this exhibition in the months to come (it’s on until March 2019). Find your infos, here.

Recommended if you like: strolling through museums on a cold autumn day, mingling among artsy people, design before art, showing others that you are interested in art, beauty, artists with a clear message, Sagmeister

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