Label showcase and out door party
Salon Magika Gutzeit Showcase w/ coss, Sarah Wild & Tom Eichh.
When: FRI, June 22, 4pm–6am
Where: Das Werk
Entry: TBA
The summer is really a time to test your stamina at parties, isn’t it just. Another week, another marathon party this Friday. This time, this fun and games are at Das Werk, where a party will begin outdoors before moving inside at 10pm for an evening of Gutzeit, a label whose many talents will be on display throughout the evening, and it will all be headed up by Coss, who you can check out below…
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Recommended if you like: intelligent Dance music (whateveer that means), the grungy settings of dasWerk, opener parties, getting all your partying done before midnight, 14 hours of dancing, marathon dancing
Fri. 22nd Jun — Sat. 23rd Jun