The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Tag des Denkmals 2017

Explore Austria’s feminine side and its monuments

Tag des Denkmals 2017

When: SUN, September 24
Where: various locations in Vienna
Entry: free!

Every year, on the last Sunday in September Austria celebrates their national heritage day, celebrating the countries’ most beautiful monuments and cultural heritage. This year’s motto, in celebration of Maria Theresia’s 300th birthday, will be “Heimat großer Töchter” (home of the great daughters). You’ll have the chance to take a peek at the feminine side of Vienna’s monuments and get inspired by the stories behind them. 

The celebrations take place all over Austria, but find a detailed program for Vienna, here.

Recommended if you like: getting to know your city better, monuments and awesome buildings, free tours through buildings that you wouldn’t normally get to see, celebrating great women in history, girl power

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