Intriguing theatre production from a world-class playwright
The Effect
When: October 3–15
Where: Off Theater
Entry: From 10€ with student ID and from 20€ otherwise, buy a ticket
The play, ‘The Effect,’ was an early success from Lucy Prebble who is one of those writers who can seemingly do no wrong, given she also wrote ‘ENRON’, ‘A Very Expensive Poison’, the TV series ‘Secret Diary of a Call Girl’, and worked on ‘Succession’ (basically the greatest thing on TV right now). The Effect sees two volunteers taking part in a clinical drug trial, in which their attraction to each other throws the trial off course. We’re not sure how yet, but we’ve booked tickets to find out!
Recommended if you like: the theeeeaatre daaahling, theatre productions, stroking your chin, being the one looking through those little binoculars no one else uses at the theatre, watching tense things unfold, having a more cultured Tinder profile than everyone else (and therefore never getting any matches)
Thu. 03rd Oct — Tue. 15th Oct