This movie will be stuck in your head for days!
Til Midnight Movies #japanuary: HAUSU
When: FRI, January 24, 10pm–11:55pm
Where: Schikaneder
Entry: TBD, get your tickets!
I’m pretty sure that we’ve all at some point watched a movie that has made us go ‘what the hell..’. And for some reason, these movies definitely have an impact, as they seem to be stuck in our heads for days after we’ve watched them. This Friday, you’ll get the chance to watch Nobuhiko Obayashi’s 1977 movie ‘Hausu’ at the Schikaneder. You really can’t assign a genre to this movie, as it’s a crazy mix of pretty much every genre in existence. Make sure to check it out if that orgy of experiences sounds appeals to you in any way.
Recommended if you like: watching crazy movies, going to the cinema, eating way too much popcorn, being a film fanatic, not knowing what’s going on, the Schikaneder, watching movies in general
Fri. 24th Jan