The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Vienna Beer Week 2019

1 beer please! Hold up, make that 8! Ok, make it a whole week!

Celebrate beer for a week with the Vienna Beer Week 2019

When: MON–SUN, November 18–24
Where: Various locations
Entry: TBA

A week dedicated to beer – how awesome does that sound!? The week of beer will see events popping up all around town that celebrate our all time favourite hang out buddy…(yep, you guessed it) beer. You’ll be in for exclusive tastings, food pairings and tap takeovers, so wear your favourite sweat pants and make way for that beer belly. PLUS, as part of beer week, there will also be the Craft Beer Fest happening on the 22nd and 23rd of November.

Recommended if you like: admiring your tummy as it grows, the refreshing sound of opening a beer, following beer blogs, believing that nothing fun makes sense when it isn’t paired with beer, drinking craft beer like it’s wine

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