A night of Arabic pop at the FLEX
Yasmine Hamdan (Libanon)
When: MON, October 15, 8pm−10pm
Where: Flex
Entry: 28€
Take your adventurous music-junky self this Monday night to Flex where the versatile Arabic Pop Singer Yasmine Hamdan will take the stage by storm. With her music being played in the US, Europe and all over the Middle East, she is proving to be a popular voice amongst the Arab world’s music scene. And with her incredible voice and seductive personality, we can’t get enough of her.
[fve]https://youtu.be/ XDepIDGKC2U [/fve]
Recommended if you like: Live concerts, seriously talented musicians performing live, curing your weekend hangover with a beer and live music, nodding your head to the music ever so coolly while leaning on the bar, World music, traveling
Mon. 15th Oct