The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

14 beautiful photos of a Vienna university housed in a palace before it opens

Have you ever walked past the palace in which Webster University is housed and been curious about what it looks like inside? Well, we have. So we snuck in there before it opened (well ok, somebody let us in).

It was somehow eerie being alone in a place that fills everyday with a current of people buzzing with so many ideas, hormones, and so much appetite for the NOW and their future that looks so gloriously untouched.The building that houses such a crowd has a huge responsibility.

The photographs that we captured of the Webster University building reminds us of a blank page – white, neat, untouched – which we think is rather fitting for how this Uni period of life feels.

By the way, if you’re thinking of studying and want to have a real look inside this fancy palace University based in Vienna’s 2nd district, sign up to their Open Information Evening happening on THU, April 11 (get your details, here).























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