As adults, we have already developed pretty robust conceptions of what things should look like. And sometimes, our rusty minds need something fresh, something weird to bring back to life our childlike anything-is-possible imagination. It turns out that Vienna’s got a lot in the way of buildings that have exactly this effect.
‘The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend’ – said some guy at some point, and that guy may have been Aristotle.
Here are 11 strange constructions in beautiful photography that will make you think, ‘are they supposed to look that way?’:
Villa Wagner I / Ernst Fuchs Villa
Where: Hüttelbergstraße 26, 1140
We have no idea what drugs the famous architect, Otto Wagner, had been smoking when he put the plans together for this place, but it is no doubt it has been born out of one wild and original mind. The wacky fantastic detail of the villa, which houses an art gallery, is endless.
Wohnpark Alterlaa
Where: Anton-Baumgartner-Strasse 44, 1230
This residential and retail building was built to be a self-contained village and is one of the largest of its kind in Austria. The shape is immediately recogniseable to the locals, especially those who drive into town along the nearby highways often. 3,200 family-friendly apartments are packed into this place with approx. 9000 people living in it.

The idea was born by an original thinking architect named Harry Glück who envisioned a collection of apartments with terraces stacked on top of each other that are specifically suited to families.
Some house with a penis painted on it at the Karmelitermarkt:
Where: Leopoldsgasse 37, 1020
Ok, we’re sure there’s a long story behind this apartment building located on the fringe of the Karmelitermarkt in Vienna’s 2nd district. If you stare at it long enough, you’ll be able to spot the various sexual motifs on it.
WU Campus building
Where: Welthandelspl. 1, 1020
This building set in amongst the variety of unique architectural pieces that make up the Economics University is the Library & Learning center of the campus. It was conceived by Hamburg-based architects, Zaha Hadid Architects. That top part looks like it’s going to fall off, right? Oh, and it’s just as impressive inside as it is on the outside.
Republik Kugelmugel
Where: Antifaschistenplatz 2, 1020
You probably wouldn’t believe us if we didn’t tell you we have various sources – this ball shaped construction known as the republic of Kugelmugel is a micro nation. It was built and declared its own nation in 1976 by an artist artist Edwin Lipburger who had some rather large disagreements with the Austrian authorities (the name of the platz – Antifaschismus Platz – says it all). It was originally located in lower Austria, but relocated later on.
Müllverbrennungsanlage Spittelau
Where: Spittelauerlände 45, 1090
This is the product of the weird and wacky mind of the Austrian artist and architect, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, being vomited onto a Waste-to-Energy plant. You should have seen it before! It’s the only power plant in the world that has been pimped by a nature-loving artist.
Where: Kegelgasse 36-38, 1030
This apartment building was also conceptualised in the mind of Friedensreich Hundertwasser. He had a hate for the straight line and drew his inspiration from nature in his designs.
Kirche am Steinhof
Where: Baumgartner Höhe 1, 1140
Another product from the outlandish architect Otto Wagner. It’s one of the weirdest churches you’ll ever lay your eyes on.
DC Tower
Where: Donau-City-Straße 1, 1220
Most people will only see this building from the perspective of an ant. With the sun glaring off of its mesmerising edgy structure, it’s one of the most photographed modern buildings in Vienna and the tallest skyscraper in the city to date. However, it will be joined by another tower in coming years as this is only part one of what will be the ‘Donau City Towers.’ Both of them have been designed by the French architect, Dominique Perrault.
Where: Ottilingerplatz 1, 1230
So, this church was conceived by the sculptor Fritz Wotruba, and to him, it represented the essence of Europe (keep in mind, it was put together in the 70s).