The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Check out the dreamy, vibrant, and peculiar photos of the immersive Ikono experience in Vienna

Why we think it’s worth it to check Ikono out, even if you already live in a magical city like Vienna? Well, sometimes our eyes need a reset. Even for us internationals who moved to Vienna and spent the first few days (or months, or years) wandering around in all, soaking in the beauty of this incredible city. But eventually, one stunning Straße starts to blend into another, and those gorgeous baroque buildings all start to look the same. You find yourself in need of a visual palate cleanser (is that even a thing?). That’s where Ikono comes in!

Imagine 12 immersive rooms spread across 800 square meters and two levels. Each room is different, each one a surprise. By the time you step out, you’ll feel like you’ve either visited another country or lived through a fever dream. And guess what? You’ll be ready to stroll around Vienna, seeing it with fresh eyes and falling in love with the city all over again.

If you ask us, it’s best to dive into the Ikono experience without overthinking or doing too much research. But if you need a little preview of what’s in store, we’ve got some photos from our own immersive journey to give you a taste.

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Step right in!

Where: Mariahilfer Str. 54, 1070 Wien

The first thing you see when you walk in are two giant bird legs, setting the mood for your journey. But trust us, it’s not the weirdest thing you’ll encounter. So, toss your stuff in a locker, but keep your phone with you—documenting your experience is definitely encouraged here.



The nostalgic childhood rooms

One of the first things we run into on our journey is a bunch of old-school arcade machines—no coins needed to play, though.

Then, we head down a dimly lit corridor packed with all the treasures from a millennial’s childhood: Walkmans, VHS tapes, and even Tamagotchis (remember those?).

Oh, and word on the street is that all these goodies were ethically sourced from Viennese flea markets. So, if you’ve got a local friend with you, they might just spot their old boombox on the nostalgia wall.


So many pretty lanterns!Next, we step into ‘The Lantern Sanctuary’. It’s so beautiful that even when one of us almost tripped, it didn’t take away from the experience.



Alright, enough with just looking at beautiful things—it’s time to dive into a scenic ball pit! This room is basically a playground for grown-ups. It’s easy to lose track of time, lose your responsibilities, and maybe even lose your phone in here.


Blending In

The creators of Ikono space call this ‘The Betta Fish Lounge.’ We call it ‘An Opportunity to Make Weird Poses On Camera.’ The whole room blends together—the walls, ceiling, furniture, and even the guest kimonos all share the same trippy pattern. It’s a surreal experience that really messes with your brain, making it hard to tell what’s up and what’s down.


99 Silver balloons

When people see a balloon, they just can’t help but play with it. And that’s exactly what happens in this room, no matter how old the visitors are or how good their motor skills might be.

And… that’s all we’re going to reveal! Hopefully, these photos give you just enough of a nudge to go check it out yourself. Or at least swing by and say hi to the ostrich legs at the Ikono entrance.

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