The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

video: Vienna Explained – episode 1: What pisses people off in Vienna?

Vienna can be a big and confusing place (Hmmm, not really, but for the sake of the story) so an Austrian (the sickeningly handsome Michael Buchinger) and a random Australian have set out to understand why things are the way they are in the old city where Habsburgs once walked, and the Käsekrainer was invented.

In the first episodes, we’ll look at what pisses people off in Vienna, and why. For example, riding your bike on the pedestrian path – we once had an old lady yell after us, ‘death to all cyclists!’ So yeah, it upsets them.

Vienna Explained is a series on Vienna Würstelstand’s video channel, vienna senf. (Subscribe here for more fun and games)


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