The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

The 11 things we are most looking forward to do in Vienna as soon as spring is here

Here’s 11 things we are most looking forward to do in Vienna as soon as spring is truly here:

1. Discuss what pollen you’re allergic to

© Aaron Burden | Unsplash

YES! We’ve never been happier about pollen and all that comes with them. It feels really good knowing that your itchy and swollen eyes and running nose come from something so beautiful and non-contagious like trees, flowers and grass.

2. Taking a walk through the cherry blossoms & flowers in Stadtpark

© Arno Smit | Unsplash

A beautiful explosion of pink colour goes off all over Stadtpark in Spring as the cherry blossom trees start to bloom. Meanwhile, a multitude of other flowers blooms and fills the air with enough pollen to make you sneeze, and smells that will make your nose go ‘HOOCHI-MAMA!’

Go for a walk, sit under a tree, and take in the smells that Spring spits out in a big way.

3. Making the most out of our days and using every bit of sunlight that spring offers

© Copernicon | Unsplash

You’ll notice that email response time tends to become longer as the days do. The work-life balancing act tends to lean more towards ‘life’ in Vienna when the sun turns up. And that’s why we love this city.

4. Holding your own Donaukanal graffiti gallery opening party

© Vienna Würstelstand | Christopher Hanschitz

As soon as the first rays of sunshine appear, the city’s graffiti artists come out to play. After the long winter hibernation, the masters of spray paint return to their canvas at the Donaukanal, leading to the promenade’s face being freshened up with a whole range of new street art and graffiti work.

Stroll through the open-air gallery and take in the unframed vibrant motifs. Also, consider hanging out at the 2nd district side of the Donaukanal promenade because it is a great spot to catch some afternoon sun rays.

Check out this TikTok from some of previous murals at the Donaukanal:

@viennawurstelstand Who know’s which movie the 4th one is from? 👁 #viennawurstelstand #travelvienna #viennaguide #viennafacts #explorevienna #tiktokvienna ♬ Calm LoFi song(882353) – S_R

5. Play Austrian Roulette (‘Bärlauch’ or ‘Maiglöckchen’)

© Vienna Würstelstand

You know spring has arrived when everything outside starts to smell like garlic. This is also your sign to get out there and pick some of those delicious green leaves that make everything smell like a Langos stand to spice up your dishes.

But please BE CAREFUL!! There are also ‘Maiglöckchen’ which look very similar to ‘Bärlauch’ (ramson), but they can instead kill you!

So just in case, here’s the phone number of the ‘Vergiftungsinformationszentrale’: 01 406 43 43 which is where you call in Austria when you think you ate something poisonous.

6. Stuffing our mouths with the very first ice cream of the season

© Vienna Würstelstand | Christina Eckerstorfer

Who gives a hooty-nanny if the temperatures still have your nipples pointing towards the sun, the city’s ice cream parlour’s doors are flying open already, and the licking and slurping of the good stuff has begun. Dive your nose into the first ice cream of the season at one of Vienna’s ice cream parlours. Check out our guide on the best ice cream parlours in Vienna.

7. Bikinis, beer and topless sunbathing in Burgarten, or Augarten

© Arno Senoner | Unsplash

There’s nothing like the atmosphere when the first warm days arrive and the parks are filled with people soaking in the sun. It still amazes us how early and quickly the people of Vienna lose their shirts outside in Spring.

In Vienna, on the first day of Spring when the barometer reads over 15 degrees, it’s time to get your top off (and/or bikini on) and meet with friends in ‘Burggarten’, or ‘Augarten’.

This is one of our favourite signs that the city has awakened from it’s dark days slumber, and is eager to soak in every bit of Vitamin D the sun can throw down on it.

8. Drinking a refreshing Spritzer at one of Vienna’s Schanigärten


© Vienna Würstelstand

Ok, so this one might not be the most promising one to look forward to. As we all know, it’s a constant up and down with the unpredictable weather in spring. However, we keep our hopes up high that at some point this spring, we’ll be able to sit in one of Vienna’s many Schanigärten and enjoy our beloved Spritzer.

Be sure to check out our list of the Schanigärten that get a good dose of sun. This way, you know about all the good ones for when the sun’s out.

9. Getting your bike ready for the season aaaand start cycling!

© Dó Castle | Pexles

You should have already cleaned off that two-wheeled beloved beast of yours and made it street-ready. If you haven’t, before we go any further, check out some tips here on how to get your bike ready for Spring.

Now we’ve got that out of the way – jump on your bike and make the most out of this city’s many bike paths. We recommend following the Donaukanal out of the city.

10. Channeling your inner sporty spice and get active in one of Vienna’s parks

© Rui Dias | Pexels

Workouts are great, and they are even greater when spring arrives. Being active outside in the sun, breathing in some fresh air, and listening to the bird’s twittering (which might sound like the birds cheering you on if you’ve got plenty of imagination) sounds a bit nicer than being trapped inside doing the same “10 minute booty burn” workout for the ninth time.

So, get your slack-line out of the basement, grab your frisbee, or your yoga mat, and head to Prater or Augarten to move your limbs.

11. Having a spring fling, or fall in love

© Vienna Würstelstand

Spring is renowned as the season of love. When new life blossoms all around us, we tend to all get a little excited down in our fun bits. Look for love this spring and fall into it, have a passionate spring fling, or if you’re already with the love of your life, fall in love with each other again.

Oh, and if you manage to get so far in your spring fling, here’s a list of public places for a quickie. 


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