Ambient music at Grelle Forelle
Portico Quartet (UK)
When: THU, November 16, 7pm
Where: Grelle Forelle
Entry: 24.10€, buy your ticket here
It’s very hard to define the sound of Portico Quartet. Jazz, electronica, ambient ausic, minimalism are all influencing the band out of the UK. What we do know, however, is that they will be performing at Grelle Forelle this Thursday. So if you are interested in unique music, you should definitely show up! To get you in the mood (or to know what they sound like), just listen to one of their latest Songs, here:
Recommended if you like: listening to a unique sound with interesting instruments, jazz & ambient music, when different music genres clash in one organised, beautiful mess, ever so cooly closing your eyes and listening to the music
Thu. 16th Nov