A fascinating play that will take you into the world of female sexuality
The Vagina Monologues (in English)
When: THU–SUN, October 18-20, 7:30pm
Where: Ateliertheater
Entry: 20€ / reduced price: 15€
This is one fascinating play that will be sticking around town from Thursday until Saturday. The Vagina Monologues is a play that shines a spotlight on a sensitive area that (some) people tend not to talk about much – vaginas…and the female experience of sexuality. After 200 women from all walks of life were interviewed about super personal topics like sexuality, love and relationships , Eve Ensler put it all into a play, which she called, The Vagina Monologues. This Thursday through to Saturday night, the play will be performed at the classic theater, Ateliertheater, and it will be done so in English. If you’re looking to leave your bubble this weekend, do it with this play.
Recommended if you like: owning a vagina, learning something about the vagina, plays that put out there subjects seen as sensitive, dressing up to go to the theater, learning something from art, woolen sweaters, wearing spectacles even though you don’t need them and calling them ‘spectacles,’ human stories
Thu. 18th Oct — Sat. 20th Oct