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4 Classic Viennese TV Quotes You Need To Know

1. “Pudel di ned auf, Hustinettenbär.” – Muttertag


Literal translation: “Don’t get ruffled up, Hustinettenbär.”

Meaning: Stop overreacting, dude.

When/How to use it: By referencing a cuddly advertising character for cough drops, this adorable warning shows a rude individual that their angry outburst isn’t really that scary. It’s not too harsh, but still insulting enough to raise some eyebrows, so save it for the right situation (like a pharmacy or drug store for extra context).

2. “Heute großes Ereignis, nix Schnitzel.” – Kaisermühlen Blues

Kaisermühlen Blues - Keine Schnitzeln

Literal translation: (In purposely incorrect German) “Big event today, nothing schnitzel.“

Meaning: Schnitzel is cancelled due to unusual circumstances.

When/How to use it: You’re on a date with a vegan at your favourite schnitzel restaurant. The server asks, “Das selbe wie immer, a Schnitzel?“ Instead of panicking you gesture to your date and say, “Heute großes Ereignis, nix Schnitzel.“

You make the server laugh and show respect for your date by ordering something else that day. Boom! You rejected Viennese culture but made up for it by dropping this iconic line. Wien-Win!

3. “I sags glei, i woars ned!” – Muttertag

i sogs glei, i wars neet....

Literal translation: “I’ll say it right away, it wasn’t me!”

Meaning: Before you get any ideas, I didn’t do it!

When/How to use it: This is a well-known way to provide comic relief while dodging blame. To get the best laughs, use this when it’s already obvious it wasn’t you. Like when your friend notices bird poop on his car.

Or you can comically cast blame on yourself. Your kid’s teacher says “Your child won’t stop using Austrian TV quotes in class! Where do they learn them?” It’s the perfect time to hit them with “I sags glei, i wars ned!”


4. “Mei Bier is ned deppat!“ – Ein echter Wiener geht nicht under

Mundl - Der Enkel - Mei Bier is ned deppat

Literal translation: “My beer is not stupid!“

Meaning: Don’t you dare insult my drink!

When/how to use it: This is the main character’s indignant response when it’s pointed out that his drinking problem makes him grumpy when he doesn’t have his “stupid beer”.
If anyone takes issue with the type/timing/amount of your beer, use the phrase as-is. Slightly alter it when someone questions your other, um, beer-liefs. They say your radler is “grausig”? You tell them, “Heast, mei Radler is ned grausig!“

And if you want, it can be adapted to confidently defend any choice at all – ”Heast, mei Beispiel is ned deppat!“ (My example is not stupid!)

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