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Vienna Christmas pop-up markets & stores throughout December

VinziRast–Adventmarkt 2019

Get into the Christmas spirit at this one-weekend-only market

VinziRast–Adventmarkt 2019

When: THU–SAT, November 28–30, 3pm–8pm
Where: VinziRast-mittendrin
Entry: free! donations welcome

Do you feel Christmassy and charitable at this time of year? Then why not check out the VinziRast Adventmarkt where you’ll find all kinds of handmade products up for sale you didn’t even know you needed. And the best thing is that everything you see is unique and handmade by refugees as part of the VinziChance initative. So don’t be a grinch and get yourself (or someone else) a lovely little gift at this market.

Recommended if you like: Christmas (duh!), Christmas markets (double-duh!), charity, trying to make the world a better place, the warm fuzzy feeling like when you have one Glühwein too many

Travel back in time!

Mittelalterlicher Adventmarkt 2023

The Heeresgeschichtliches Museum Wien (Military Museum) is playing host to one of the coolest Christmas markets happening in Vienna. A 4-day medieval-themed Christmas market stands far apart from the other markets in this list. There are little stalls selling metalwork and woodwork creations made by the stand owners (who tend to really take the Medieval thing seriously, dressing up like they’ve just landed in 2023 from that era), while there are all kinds of live music, jugglers and jesters, market criers, fencing duals and other shows to entertain the crowds. Then there’s the food inspired from Medieval times being prepared and served up. Another distinguishing factor is the delicious winter Punsch, Glühwein (mulled wine) and other hot drinks to warm you up, that are made fresh by the stand owners, as opposed to being mass produced like the Punsch at many of the other markets. 

So schmeckt Niederösterreich-Adventmarkt

Check out this 2–day Christmas market located in a palace

So schmeckt Niederösterreich-Adventmarkt

When: FRI–SAT, November 29–30
Where: Palais Niederösterreich

If you have never been to a Christmas market in a palace, let this be your chance. With over 60 stalls, this Friday and Saturday market promises to be magical. At the very least, it’s a swanky place to get tipsy on mulled wine. For the little ones, there is also a baking station for gingerbread, poppy seed crescents and pumpkin rolls. And judging by the title of the market, we’d suggest there will be lots of tasty treats out of Niederösterreich.

Recommended if you like: Christmas, getting into a festive mood, Christmas lights, getting drunk on Punsch, beautiful locations, fairy lights, buying stuff you (probably) don’t need, regional food from Lower Austria

find unique gifts at the MQ's Christmas market

WeihnachtsQuartier 2022

This weekend, a Christmas-themed design market is taking place inside the halls of the MQ. Here, more than 100 independent creative labels set up stands, and sell their wares. From design to artisanal food products, fashion to accessories, and more. For more info, check out the website.

Advent-Kunsthandwerksmarkt im Schloss Neugebäude

Enjoy a Christmas market in a fine ass looking palace

Advent-Kunsthandwerksmarkt im Schloss Neugebäude

When: FRI–SUN, November 29 – December 15, 2pm–8pm (only until 7pm on Sundays) 
Where: Schloss Neugebäude
Entry: free!

Starting on November 29th and up until December 15, Schloss Neugebäude will open its doors every Thursday to Sunday for a Christmas market, which will be full of stands selling of  artisan arts and crafts. And, as if a market inside a freaking palace isn’t already enough, there will also be live music and Krampus shows on the weekend!

Recommended if you like: Christmas markets, finding a place to take a nap in the castle, things made by hand, the atmosphere in old buildings, the adrenalin rush of seeing a Krampus, pretending to be a fancy lady/gentleman living in a castle

Designmarkt 1070

Browse through an artistic and unique Christmas market

Designmarkt 1070

When: SAT, November 30, 10am–4pm
Where: Burggasse 72
Entry: free!

On Saturday November 30, a variety of creative individuals and companies from the 7th district will come together to put on the first Designmarkt 1070 at Burggasse 72. Besides visitors having the opportunity to pick up some Christmas presents, or stuff for yourself, this market will offer up coffee and cake!

Recommended if you like: Christmas markets, creative people, eating loads of cake while looking at pretty things, a cosy atmosphere, using Christmas presents as an excuse to show off your extravagant taste, finally stop giving socks as Christmas presents to everybody

we love handmade Weihnachtsmarkt

Hunt for handmade treasures at this lil’ Christmas market

we love handmade Weihnachtsmarkt

When: SAT, November 30, 11am–4:30pm
Where: Das Packhaus
Entry: free!

It’s time for Christmas markets and this one is all about handmade treasures. There will be mulled wine, there will be Christmas cookies, and there will be DIY workshops where you can make your own wreath, or design your own Christmas stationary (if this doesn’t turn you on, we don’t know what will!).

Recommended if you like: handmade products, Christmas markets, Christmas, Christmas presents, the color red, making things with your own two hands, watching other people make things while you drink mulled wine, singing “I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus,” Christmas stationary

Weihnachts KlimBim Flohmarkt

A flea market and Christmas market combined!

Weihnachts KlimBim Flohmarkt

When: SAT, November 30, 10am–6pm
Where: MGC Halle
Entry: free!

The Weihnachts KlimBim Flohmarkt takes two of the most popular market concepts (flea market & Christmas market) and combines them into one. All kinds of second-hand stuff will be up for sale, while the atmosphere is promised to be festive and Christmassy.

Recommended if you like: flea markets, Christmas markets, 2-in-1 type of stuff, stocking up on decoration while helping others reduce their abundance thereof, things complementing each other, the thrill of the flea market hunt

Abstraction – vienna art market – Dezember Show

Feast your eyes on some artworks at this artsy market

Abstraction – vienna art market – Dezember Show

When: TUE–SAT, December 3–21, 2pm–7pm (SAT: 10am–1pm)
Where: vienna art market
Entry: free!

The vienna art market is hosting one of their exhibitions again, this time with some abstract photographs up for sale. All artworks will be displayed at the Vienna PopUp Street and everything you see has been created by local artists. Worth checking out if you want some art for your wall, or have a friend that might appreciate it as a pressie.

Recommended if you like: art, being artsy, looking at art, acting pretentious for a day, the abstract, pretending to understand what the artist wanted to express when standing in front of it wearing spectacles you don’t actually need to wear

4. Afrikanischer Weihnachtsmarkt

Explore an African Christmas market

4. Afrikanischer Weihnachtsmarkt

When: FRI–SUN, December 6–8, 11am–7pm (only until 6pm on Sunday)
Where: Forum Mozartplatz
Entry: free!

From December 6th ’til December 8th, you will get the opportunity to visit an African Christmas market at the Forum Mozartplatz in the 4th district. Surround yourself with African textiles, craft and art at this one-of-a-kind Christmas market in Vienna. Of course there will be African food and music, as well. We were there last year, and enjoyed a tasty spicy meat dish and a huge can of African beer. It was a delight!

Recommended if you like: Christmas markets, traditional African food, getting to know different cultures, live music, traveling with a kid’s kind of curiosity

Dog Sparkle – der Weihnachtsmarkt für Hund&Katz’

This one’s a Christmas market for cats and dogs!

Dog Sparkle – der Weihnachtsmarkt für Hund&Katz’

When: SUN, December 8, 10am–6pm
Where: 25hours Hotel
Entry: free!

At the Dog and Cat Sparkle Christmas market on December 8th, you’ll have the opportunity to finally get your pet all the treats and presents it truly deserves! If you want to remember this special Christmas market experience forever, they’re also offering the chance for you to get professional photos taken so bring your pet! Maybe even dress them in that Superman costume they like.

Recommended if you like: your dog, spoiling your pet, treating your pet like it was your child, having pictures of your pet on the wall instead of pictures of your partner


A Christmas petrol station…ummmmm


When: FRI–SUN, December 6–8, 5pm–9pm (SUN: 12pm–6pm)
Where: Kunsttankstelle Ottakring
Entry: free!

This is not an actual gas station (that would be an interesting choice of location), but you can think of it as a place to fuel your Christmas spirit. There will be a bunch of stands hosted by artisan craft makers, and products will include stuff like soaps, jewellery, ceramics, textiles, and more. And should you find yourself in desperate need of a refill, then we’d suggest tanking up on the Punsch they’ll be serving there (that was the last petrol-related pun – promise).

Recommended if you like: drinking Punsch like its coming straight from the petrol pump (we lied!), metaphors, things that are not quite what their name implies, the smell of petrol stations

Weihnachtsmarkt der Selbermacher*innen

Get your hands on something handmade

Weihnachtsmarkt der Selbermacher*innen

When: FRI, December 6, 3pm–8pm
Where: Amtshaus Margareten
Entry: free!

Go self-made, or go home is the motto of this Christmas market (well, actually it isn’t, but it very well could be). All products up for sale here have been crafted by the stand owners themselves, with plenty of blood, sweat and tears. Okay, that might be over-egging the pudding, but in times when everything seems to be made in China, a market focused on locally handmade products are a welcome change.

Recommended if you like: the old-fashioned way, self-made stuff, handicraft, using your hands, handbags, handball, handstands, manual transmissions, hands in general

Adventfest am Gugumuck-Hof

Tasty food with a Christmas mood at Vienna’s snail farm

Adventfest am Gugumuck-Hof

When: SAT–SUN, December 7–8, 3pm–9pm
Where: Gugumuck’s Wiener Schnecken
Entry: free!

This weekend only, the folks at Vienna’s snail farm and restaurant, Gugumuck’s Wiener Schnecken Bistro, have put together a delicious advent program for you to enjoy. Help yourself to some tasty food (perhaps try some Viennese snails?), and take a look at all the handcrafted stuff up for sale. There’s a magician, a “take part concert”, and some Christmas crib building for the kids, as well. This one will be, as Austrians love to say – klein, aber super-cooper fein.

Recommended if you like: Punsch, Christmas, Gugumuck, the idea of saving yourself Christmas shopping gauntlet, the smell of roasted chestnuts, intimate events, discovering local designer talent, good food, Escargot

Christmas Market at commonrooom

Meet a bunch of creatives at this artsy Christmas market!  

Christmas Market at commonrooom

When: SAT–SUN, December 7–8, 10am–6pm
Where: commonroom
Entry: get your tickets here!

You could be browsing a really artsy Christmas market at commonroom in December! At this market, you’ll find all kinds of beautiful handcrafted pieces. And, as a bonus, there’s a good chance that you’ll get to know the artists behind those pieces. Of course, you can do your Christmas shopping there as well: you’ll find prices to suit all kinds of budget (well, so the event description says).

Recommended if you like: checking out what the city’s creatives are doing, the idea of getting a few new unique art pieces, design markets, drinking too much wine, eating too many sweets, getting to know new people

Nicht schon wieder ein Weihnachtsmarkt!

Support female entrepreneurs at this humble Christmas market in a bistro

Nicht schon wieder ein Weihnachtsmarkt!

When: SAT, December 7, 10am–9pm
Where: Karma Food 1070
Entry: free!

This is a Christmas market completely dedicated to Viennese female entrepreneurs and it will be taking place in the healthy food bistro, Karma Food, on Saturday, December 7th. The stands of this market will be run exclusively by women, but their products are definitely for everyone and everyone is welcome! It’s impossible to sum up the large variety of products that will be up for sale, so make sure to check out their facebook event for more details. 

Recommended if you like: supporting female entrepreneurs, celebrating woman power, christmas markets with a wide range of products, getting inspired by entrepreneurs

Wintermarkt im Augarten. Markterei trifft Schankwirtschaft

Enjoy a different kind of Christmas market with a hot cocktail in your hand

Wintermarkt im Augarten. Markterei trifft Schankwirtschaft

When: SAT–SUN, November 30 – December 22, 11am–8pm
Where: Die Schankwirtschaft
Entry: free!

This Christmas market combines handicraft stands, food, hot cocktails and music that will try to make you move – sound good to you? Then be sure to check out this Christmas market by the foodie market, Markterei, that will be happening every weekend, starting on November 30th and running up until December 22! The booth selling the hot cocktails is also open during the week, so if that’s all you care about, you don’t even have to wait for the weekend to pop by! Sounds like a good afterwork thing to be doing if you ask us!

Recommended if you like: browsing through Christmas markets, delicious food, handcrafts, showing off your dance skills, not having to choose between going out to dance and going to a Christmas market, sipping hot cocktails

Veganer Weihnachtsmarkt

A Christmas markets for the Vegan-ators out there! (that’s our super human name for Vegans)

Veganer Weihnachtsmarkt

When: SAT–SUN, December 14, 11am–8:30pm & December 15, 11am–6pm
Where: Arcotel Kaiserwasser
Entry: 3€ (includes a raffle ticket)

So, you’re vegan and you do want to go to a Christmas market. Then you might want to check out the Vegan Christmas market happening on December 14th to 15th at the Arcotel Kaiserwasser hotel! Besides the numerous exhibitors selling off vegan wares, and the delicious food that will be on offer, you will get the chance to listen to talks about the vegan life all day long! 

Recommended if you like: being vegan, education, learning about new things, saving the world, being able to eat your food without feelings of guilt creeping up on you, spending time with people who think like you, your animals alive and happy

1. Christmas Street Food Festival Vienna

Spend an evening dedicated to street food and Punsch

1. Christmas Street Food Festival Vienna

When: SAT–SUN, December 14–15, 4pm–10pm
Where: Der Garten
Entry: 17.90€, buy a ticket

The first Christmas Street Food Festival will premiere on December 14th until the 15th in the funky venue in the Prater, known as Der Garten. There will be plenty of Christmas-themed food stalls to choose from, and lots of all-you-can-drink Punsch to keep you warm! Just in case this message didn’t sink in properly, allow us to repeat: included in the entry price, there will be all-you-can-drink Punsch!!

Recommended if you like: food, eating until you can’t move anymore, listing ‘eating’ as a hobby, Punsch, being surrounded by people who enjoy eating as much as you do, showing off how much Punsch you can drink, having no limits



Pimp your wardrobe at this female fashion design flea market


When: SAT, December 14, 10am–7pm
Where: Kunsthalle Wien
Entry: Free (the first 200 guests get a free ticket to the ‘Time is Thirsty’ exhibition in the Kunsthalle)

The crowd from the fashion designers, lila, will be throwing a flea market in the Kunsthalle. There will be an racks and racks of clothes, accessories and shoes up for sale from Lila at their special Christmas market, including also some second-hand stuff and pieces from their previous collections.

Recommended if you like: shopping, seeing what is on offer for spring, speaking in emojis, special collections, niche Christmas markets, free access to an exhibition, taking the other half to a market and dropping some massive hints in vague directions, Lila fashion, women’s fashion

Photo © Mia Feliné

Check out this year's women creative design market

Weiberei #9 Markt für Design von Frauen

Ega: frauen im zentrum and Wiener SPÖ-Frauen are happily inviting all to visit their design market happening at the ega: frauen im zentrum on Saturday. Away from all the pre-Christmas stress, you’ll be stunned by all kinds of creative fashion, paper-based and jewellery items that will be up for grabs, and all of them are made by women!

Akademie Wintermarkt 2019

The beloved annual winter market from the Academy of Fine Arts 

Akademie Wintermarkt 2019

When: FRI–SUN, December 6–8 | FRI: 5pm–9:30pm, SAT: 12pm–9pm, SUN: 12pm–8pm
Where: Semperdepot
Entry: free!

The Akademie’s famous annual winter market is back on the first weekend in December. Find a colourful mix of art and other creative stuff to buy your loves ones (or yourself), live music acts, workshops (Origami and jewelry to use as gifts), discussions and comfy get-togethers at this unmissable 3-day winter market. 

Recommended if you like: alternative Christmas markets, alternative people and hipsters, 3-day-events, see and be seen, Christmas-sy workshops, making your own presents, talking creativity, flying high on imagination, buying local, dressing like an artist…if you know what we mean

The International Design Fair you've been looking for


Vienna’s open-air international designer market is back! Spring weather doesn’t only mean the birds and other furry creatures, including humans, are making sweet tender love in the trees, but also that the open air events that we love return!

WAMP brings a whole bunch of Eastern European and local designers together in a great atmosphere in front of Vienna’s MQ. There’s also usually a few food trucks supplying some tasty street food.

Get edel stuff at Edelstoff!

Edelstoff – Markt für junges Design: X-mas Edition

You’re sure to win the award for giving the coolest gifts for Christmas if you shop at this Christmas version of the designer market, Edelstoff. And we all know Christmas is about winning the award for giving the coolest gifts. It’s also a known fact that Santa rewards those who support young designers. So if you also want to get yourself a bunch of Christmas presents – from fashion to jewellery and graphic design masterpieces – spend some time at this funky market.

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